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Admin zones to check  -  by GuppY_Team


from time to time, check your admin / Recommend , you could find spam in it frown

in case of spamming, you can install plugin/fork cryptograph from Hpsam ( GuppYteam member )


Another section to check is admin / Maintenance witch keep all the datas you've deleted before.

Published on 31/05/2008 @ 23:15 

To know if one were infected:caution.gif

make an inventory of the various folders of your website, by ftp, by classifying your files by date in the distant repertory. (according to software ftp that you use)


it may be that you find there files gone back to these last days with names “odd” (d.php, cmdwork.txt,…) or even of the index.html files or of the .jpg files which are not images and which do not have anything to do there! , remove them .

the technique which consists in downloading its website and to pass it to the antivirus, can also bear its fruits, you can find Trojans   frown

Published on 12/11/2007 @ 13:15