GuppY, le CMS de référence sans base de données


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Attention : GuppY 6.00.18

Sortie de GuppY 6.00.18 : pack et patch cumulatif et non-cumulatif

Pour passer de la  6.00.17 à la version 6.00.18 vous appliquez le patch non-cumulatif GuppY 6.00.18 .

Pour passer de la version 5.03.03 à la version 6.00.18, vous devez impérativement suivre la procédure de migration décrite dans cet article.

Pour les plugins et pour les skins, merci de poster sur le site de leur auteur.

Les skins et les plugins de notre ami Saxbar sont en téléchargement sur ce site.


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Vous répondez à GuppY_Team qui a écrit :

Pack GuppY 6.00.05, cumulative patch, non-cumulative patchgylogo.png

This pack is the 117th version of GuppY

We are pleased to offer you version 6.00.05 with updates, improvements and fixes.

Prerequisite: PHP 5.6 minimum

- Bootstrap 4.6.1 update
- Font-Awesome 5.15.4 update
- Highlight 11.3.1 update
- CKEditor 4.16.2 update
- JQuery 3.6.0 update
- integration of the Youtube plugin for ck editor
- add sorting options photo galleries
- add admin collaborator rights for RGPD declaration
- correction event in the agenda and Rewrite Rule
- correction protection admin
- fixed crypt function and htpasswordfiles compatibility for PHP 7 and PHP 8
- correction of member registration and improvement of password generation
- variable correction for PHP 8 => PHP 8.0.13
- correction css config look
- modification of tablet display
- correction display tarteaucitron
- correction display Admin

To upgrade from version 6.00.03, 6.00.04 to 6.00.05, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
    • then validate each configuration page, then several refreshes of the display of a page may be necessary to have a correct display,
    • without forgetting to validate in admin/structure the declaration for the RGPD,
    • attention, the size of the patch exceeds 2Mb, upload_max_filesize must be greater than 2Mb in the PHP configuration,
      Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

The GuppY Team

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