Attention : GuppY 6.00.18

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Pour passer de la version 5.03.03 à la version 6.00.18, vous devez impérativement suivre la procédure de migration décrite dans cet article.

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Archives du forum - GuppY 6 [anglais] - Sujet n°125642

Sujet n°125642
charset problem in cz version
   par ZdenekP le 07/02/2014 @ 21:47
Hi,I have problem width charset setings in cz version. I use charset windows-1250 and a'm not able to edit articles in administration (wisiwyg editor). Edit windows is empty. Only first time I can entered text. When I switch my wen in en wersion (charset iso-8859-1) editing is OK but czech characters is bad. I try to use another charset in cz or us version (iso 8859-2) - it is not solved my problem.How I solved this problem? How I change wisiwyg editor or how to  correct set charset in cz version?
Réponse n° 1
par Corrector le 16/02/2014 @ 15:02
Sorry not to have answered earlier. I forward your request to technical staff and comme back to you here.

Réponse n° 2
par Corrector le 16/02/2014 @ 16:41
It's me again. This very bothering issue about charsets and coding has indeed been brainstormed by the Team for about three years now. Just wait for a couple of weeks. Ultimate solution's nearly ready to show with definitive simplication this time wasting matter! biggrin

Réponse n° 3
par FGF le 26/04/2014 @ 10:25
Hi ZdenekP

You can change from old files version to UTF-8 by using an Editor, as PSPad, and from there you just change the format to UTF-8, replacing the old $charset (iso-8859-1) with UTF-8, if such line is in the file, save the file and You are done.

In languagefiles find:

$charset = (iso-8859-1)

And chang to $charset = (UTF-8)

For files without the $charset line, you just change the format of the file to UTF-8 and the letters format will be saved as UTF-8 and You dont need speciel codes for signs, You can of cause use any UNI-code table that suits Your language.

PSPad is free software, search Google to find site for download, and the language file for the software that You want.

Keep up the good work. k

Bst Rgs MicCo_Michael

Réponse n° 4
par Saxbar le 26/04/2014 @ 10:58

Attention, you must convert to UTF-8 without BOM.
I do not know PSPad, but I use Notepad++, which converts correctly any character set.

Amicalement, Saxbar.

Rectified by Saxbar 26/04/2014 @ 11:02

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