Attention : GuppY 6.00.18

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Archives du forum - GuppY 6 [anglais] - Sujet n°126058

Sujet n°126058
Translation to german
   par BlackMolly le 10/04/2014 @ 19:51
Hello,My Name ist BlackMolly and I'm from Germany, so my english it's not very well, but it's better then my french n
I've started to translate version 5.0.2 to german (guppylang_de_4614 doesn't work well ). When it's finished, how can I give my work to the team? And also to the users?Thanks for reading & answering!

It's me, Black Molly!

Réponse n° 1
par Papinou le 10/04/2014 @ 20:21

Thank you for translation to German, you can send us the zip file to the mail box "Infos site" Contact us.
We will download to users Guppy on this site.

Best regards

Cordialement, Papinou

Réponse n° 2
par BlackMolly le 11/04/2014 @ 17:59

thanks for your hint. Where are the languagefiles? I've found the following folder with languagefiles in it
Are there more folders to check or is this all? I've made a website about my work, so I can upload soon my nightlybuilds for testing. At this time there is nothing to read or to download k
The adress is
Hope you can help me with an answer about the folders. Thank you!

It's me, Black Molly!

Réponse n° 3
par Corrector le 12/04/2014 @ 23:48

I am ckecking a couple of things with the GT, and i'llbe back with precise answer very soon.

Thank you very much.k

HappY GuppY! Gérard

Réponse n° 4
par Corrector le 13/04/2014 @ 19:26
Hallo wieder,

I hope this will help. Don't hesitate to ask again if in trouble.

Translators must make a zip file with this path:



quotes: the same syntax as French and English files must be kept line by line. This is a must condition for checking translated files.
And indeed, in case od squeaks, if syntas has been changed, it will be
a tough work to sort things out.

About apostrophes, backslashes are only expected when the line is
enclosed between simple quotes '    '.

A good way to proceed is to follow the English file.

Schüss !

HappY GuppY! Gérard

Réponse n° 5
par BlackMolly le 13/04/2014 @ 20:08

thank you for your help. I've allready started to translate the english files i've found in ./inc/lang/. But i'm a little bit confused, because i've found much more english language files than the four you told me. Please take a look on my list above your posting.
I've renamed the english language files and translate now step by step. I know about the php syntax because i write scripts / programs in php since php 4

Have a nice start in the week

It's me, Black Molly!

Réponse n° 6
par Corrector le 14/04/2014 @ 09:55

Viele Danke !

In inc/lang, you can translate the 4 files,,, as well as the file  install/

But it is not as important as the previously mentioned.

As for the next ones, we don't think it important at all to translate them because they are seen by webmasters, but you can do so of course.


HappY GuppY! Gérard

Réponse n° 7
par BlackMolly le 14/04/2014 @ 18:44
merci beaucoup!

Now i know the files i've to translate at first.
Later I will translate all files to complete the work. So at the end all sections are with a german language file ;)

Au revoir

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