Attention : GuppY 6.00.18

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Archives du forum - GuppY 6 [anglais] - Sujet n°126075

Sujet n°126075
   par Luxman le 14/04/2014 @ 14:12
Hello. The code for calculating the date for the easter seems to be wrong by a week. Am I wrong. Trying to make Guppy 5 work in the Danish language.

Regards René


Réponse n° 1
par Luxman le 14/04/2014 @ 15:50
Hello Again. It looks like it is going wrong after the 5.0.2 patch. ??

Regards René


Réponse n° 2
par Papinou le 14/04/2014 @ 16:25

The correction is in the 5.0.3 patch coming.

Translation language files in Danish, is this possible?

Thank you for your reply.

Cordialement, Papinou

Réponse n° 3
par Luxman le 15/04/2014 @ 10:55

I think its sure possible to translate the language files to Danish. I migrate from 4.6
and save/keep the Danish language files in ANSI and not UTF-8 because of compatible issue of the Articles files. Then the Dansih charaters æøå shows correctly.
But I will try to make a Guppy page from scratch with the Dansih files in UTF-8 and hopes for no problems with æøå.


Another qustion for you regarding the Aquarium. Maybee not the right forum. Why not delete all the links and start all over because of so many non Guppy links. That was the easy way.


Réponse n° 4
par Corrector le 15/04/2014 @ 15:10
Hi, if you want to translate files languages, just email me ; I'll send you all you need. But UTF8 definitely is the right code in 5.0

HappY GuppY! Gérard

Réponse n° 5
par Luxman le 22/04/2014 @ 16:26
Hi Gérard

Please send the names of the files I have to correct if there are other than the 4 files in inc/lang.



Réponse n° 6
par Papinou le 22/04/2014 @ 16:40

I'll put below the reply Gerard to BlackMolly:

" In inc/lang, you can translate the 4 files,,, as well as the file  install/

But it is not as important as the previously mentioned.

As for the next ones, we don't think it important at all to translate them because they are seen by webmasters, but you can do so of course.

inc/pgeditor/lang "

Many thanks.
Best regards

Cordialement, Papinou

Réponse n° 7
par Corrector le 24/04/2014 @ 09:20
Extra tips :  I hope this will help. Don't hesitate to ask again if in trouble.
Translators must make a zip file with this path:


quotes: the same syntax as French and English files must be kept line by line. This is a must condition for checking translated files.
And indeed, in case od squeaks, if syntas has been changed, it will be
a tough work to sort things out.

About apostrophes, backslashes are only expected when the line is
enclosed between simple quotes '    '.

A good way to proceed is to follow the English file.

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