Attention : GuppY 6.00.18

Sortie de GuppY 6.00.18 : pack et patch cumulatif et non-cumulatif

Pour passer de la  6.00.17 à la version 6.00.18 vous appliquez le patch non-cumulatif GuppY 6.00.18 .

Pour passer de la version 5.03.03 à la version 6.00.18, vous devez impérativement suivre la procédure de migration décrite dans cet article.

Pour les plugins et pour les skins, merci de poster sur le site de leur auteur.

Les skins et les plugins de notre ami Saxbar sont en téléchargement sur ce site.


Archives du forum - GuppY 6 [anglais] - Sujet n°127043

Sujet n°127043
GuppY - Non cumulative patch 5.0.9
   par GuppY_Team le 28/11/2014 @ 14:21

GuppY : non cumulative patch 5.0.9gylogo.png

This patch is the 87th version of GuppY.

 We are pleased to come up with the non-cumulative patch for 5.0.9 Guppy 5.0, with improvements and fixes since 5.0.6, namely:

- Added registering control on connection (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved e-mail sending to contacts  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved downloads directory and FAQ display  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Removed files checksum on downloading  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected links of url rewriting on downloads (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved forum categories management  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved links directory display (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added photorama and secundary pages full screen display (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected second language links for blog and calendar search (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected external avatars display in the forum (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected status wording of collaborators in the forum (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved members registering form display (Thanks Saxbar)
- Implemented collaborators groups for management (Thanks Saxbar)
- Choice for "New" thumbnail in menu options (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added menu options off articles in the What's new box (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved search function in members management (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected posts sorting in the blog boxes. (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected links in the blog boxes. (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected guestbook e-mail adresses display (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected UpdateDBforum() function (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected e-mail visibility of forum contributions on updating and moving  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added migration of Iconframe plugin  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added migration of menu options for non-article menu  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added migration of Contact Plugin  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved styles for mobile  (Thanks Papinou)
- Update of ckeditor to version 4.4.6 (Thanks Saxbar)

Upgrading from version 5.0.8 to version 5.0.9. means you have to use this gy-non-cumulative-509 patch.

When patch has been installed, please go to admin/configurations/forum categories and do check that categories are actually active.

If needed, tick the box for each category and save so as to update index frcat.dtb.

Thanks to all participants in this patch.

The Guppy Team

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