Attention : GuppY 6.00.18

Sortie de GuppY 6.00.18 : pack et patch cumulatif et non-cumulatif

Pour passer de la  6.00.17 à la version 6.00.18 vous appliquez le patch non-cumulatif GuppY 6.00.18 .

Pour passer de la version 5.03.03 à la version 6.00.18, vous devez impérativement suivre la procédure de migration décrite dans cet article.

Pour les plugins et pour les skins, merci de poster sur le site de leur auteur.

Les skins et les plugins de notre ami Saxbar sont en téléchargement sur ce site.


Archives du forum - GuppY 6 [anglais] - Sujet n°127351

Sujet n°127351
Pack Guppy 5.00.11, cumulative and non-cumulative patches
   par GuppY_Team le 02/03/2015 @ 15:09

Pack GuppY 5.00.11 and patches

This pack is the 89th version of GuppY

We are pleased to come up with GuppY Pack 5.00.11 that features the corrections listed below:

- Improvement of the displayQuickConfig() by Saxbar
- Standardisation of username entry by Saxbar
- Correction of the link to article on making a search by Saxbar (Thank you jerlal)
- Improvement of collaborators management
- Correction of writers'rights level one by Saxbar
- Correction of  sorting out events by date by Saxbar
- Improvement of events duplication by Saxbar
- Correction of new members status by Saxbar
- Redesigning of the Config Look module by Saxbar and Papinou
- Correction of members deletion by Saxbar
- Correction of  newletter adressees' list by Saxbar
- Suppression of the full backup of the site by Saxbar
- Addition of the skins/ folder in the permitted folders list in the file management by Saxbar
- Improvement of copyright display by Saxbar
- Correction of the Menu Options treatment in the Latest Releases box by Saxbar
- Improvement of styleplus.css treatment by Saxbar
- Update of Lightbox library by Saxbar
- Addition of dash entry in username by Saxbar
- Addition in the demo database of dropdown menu example, horizontal and linear by Papinou.

This gy-non-cumulative-50011 patch will be used to upgrade from 5. 00.10 version to 5.00.11

KEEP IN MIND: Don't forget to confirm again all config pages after patch has been installed.

Many Thanks to all participants in this patch

The GuppY Team


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