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Archives du forum - GuppY 6 [anglais] - Sujet n°128086

Sujet n°128086
Danish translation 5.01.01
   par FGF le 30/10/2015 @ 13:30

Where is this used ?, in GuppY CMS admin section:

$admin[1526] = 'ACCORDEONS';
$admin[1527] = 'FENETRE MODALE';


I do know that it's an part of, and CSS style sheet setup for skins, But I don't understand the wording, which for me, NOT are standard for the codinglanguage, I have try to translate it from both the fr-lang file and the en-lang, and also from german translation into Danish, but it all come up as volapyk (rubish), also I have asked in the Danish programmers community as where I'm a member, and noby there do understand this selected wording in the language files, so if anybody can help, please do so k

Bst Rgs MicCo_Michael
GuppY CMS Ver. 5.01.01

Rectified by FGF 30/10/2015 @ 13:48
Réponse n° 1
par Papinou le 30/10/2015 @ 13:44

Here's a secondary configuration operation page on freeguppy:

With the modal window, blocks accordion and tabs.

Best regards

Cordialement, Papinou

Réponse n° 2
par FGF le 30/10/2015 @ 14:00

Thanks for the fast answer, but:

An Accordion, is for music, isen't there an better word for that type of blocks ? - maby "fold-out menu"!

And "modal" I also have to finde a better word for, users will never understand this word, in Danish. I think "pop-up windows" will be an better description, or ?

I think I'll use the two suggestions I made here k


Bst Rgs MicCo_Michael
GuppY CMS Ver. 5.01.01

Réponse n° 3
par JeandePeyrat le 30/10/2015 @ 17:37

You should go to your website Micco anti-spyware for you have at least one syphilitic image.

This is more serious than the translation accordion or modal. e



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Réponse n° 4
par FGF le 30/10/2015 @ 19:42

Yeah I saw it k
- the danger of linking to pictures on other sites!

Bst Rgs MicCo_Michael
GuppY CMS Ver. 5.01.01

Rectified by FGF 30/10/2015 @ 23:53
Réponse n° 5
par FGF le 30/10/2015 @ 20:43
So... that's it, finish translating and correcting the Danish language files for GuppY CMS ver. 5.01.01.

Bst Rgs MicCo_Michael
GuppY CMS Ver. 5.01.01

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