Attention : GuppY 6.00.18

Sortie de GuppY 6.00.18 : pack et patch cumulatif et non-cumulatif

Pour passer de la  6.00.17 à la version 6.00.18 vous appliquez le patch non-cumulatif GuppY 6.00.18 .

Pour passer de la version 5.03.03 à la version 6.00.18, vous devez impérativement suivre la procédure de migration décrite dans cet article.

Pour les plugins et pour les skins, merci de poster sur le site de leur auteur.

Les skins et les plugins de notre ami Saxbar sont en téléchargement sur ce site.


Archives du forum - GuppY 6 [anglais] - Sujet n°128153

Sujet n°128153
GuppY 5.01.02 release
   par GuppY_Team le 02/12/2015 @ 16:42

GuppY:  GuppY Pack 5.01.02, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.gylogo.png

This pack is the 92th version of GuppY.

We offer the patch 5.01.02 with additions, improvements, corrections:

- The table name correct date in the calendar blog by Saxbar
- Updated version of CKEditor 4.5.4 by Saxbar
- Update the jQuery library in Version 1.11.3 by Saxbar
- Correction of the generation jqstyle.css style by Saxbar
- Addition of the numbering of input areas of style files (thank Rey)
- Correction of the treatment of the blog calendar dates (thank Papinou)
- Fixed breadcrumb admin maintenance module by Saxbar
- Fixed constants in the maintenance module by Saxbar
- Correction in the header of the forum link to research url-rw by Saxbar
- Correction of the document processing RSS by Saxbar
- Creation of traditional menus based on drop-down menus by Saxbar
- Creation of drop down menus based on classic menus by Saxbar
- Creation of vertical drop down menus to mobile by Saxbar
- WEB display screen tablets with width> = 1024 by Saxbar
- Added parameter "Hide the publication date" of the new website by Saxbar
- Correction of address-rewriting url by Saxbar
- Correction of the list of categories for the creation of photo galleries by Saxbar
- Improved picture of boxes available by Saxbar
- Add Text properties for the style directories categories by Saxbar
- Adding access control slide of the box by Saxbar
- Management members area with private groups by Saxbar
- Added phpmailer in contact.php by Saxbar
- Dynamic boxes in the headers and footers by Saxbar
- Adding a custom 404 error handling by Saxbar
- Choice of secondary pages for displaying icons menus by Saxbar
- Choice of secondary pages to perform the services by Saxbar
- Adding a style sheet for each secondary page by Saxbar
- Addition of margins, opacity, Zones in Central Config look by Saxbar
- Symbol font "fontello" wide by Saxbar
- Integration of jquery slider "camera" (thank Jean-Denis)
- Choice of the position of the zones Contact by mail and phone (thank Jean-Denis)

Upgrading from version 5.01.01 to version 5.01.02 means you have to use this gy-non-cumulative-50102 patchand install with the function of GuppY Install 5. Validate config admin pages, plus Config sections.

Thank to all the participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team

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