Attention : GuppY 6.00.18

Sortie de GuppY 6.00.18 : pack et patch cumulatif et non-cumulatif

Pour passer de la  6.00.17 à la version 6.00.18 vous appliquez le patch non-cumulatif GuppY 6.00.18 .

Pour passer de la version 5.03.03 à la version 6.00.18, vous devez impérativement suivre la procédure de migration décrite dans cet article.

Pour les plugins et pour les skins, merci de poster sur le site de leur auteur.

Les skins et les plugins de notre ami Saxbar sont en téléchargement sur ce site.


Archives du forum - GuppY 6 [anglais] - Sujet n°128791

Sujet n°128791
GuppY release 5.01.04
   par Guppy_Team le 09/09/2016 @ 22:06

GuppY:  GuppY Pack 5.01.04, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.gylogo.png

This pack is the 94th version of GuppY.

We offer the patch 5.01.04 with additions, improvements, corrections:

- The minimum version of php to GuppY 5.01.04 passes 5.3.0 (thank Saxbar)
- Correction of the image display novelty in the title of the articles (thank Saxbar)
- Correcting image display innovations in the menus (thank Saxbar)
- Correction of the display without the forum categories (thank Laroche)
- Correction of the display icons fast (thank you Saxbar)
- Consistency articles reactions and comments display blog (thank Saxbar)
- Reordering tabs in style Config (thank Papinou)
- Suppression test WYSIWYG (thank Saxbar)
- Correction eMailHtmlTo () function (thank Saxbar)
- Correction of access rights during the search in the forum, blog comments and reactions to items (thank Saxbar)
- Correction of the display counters Forum (thank Saxbar)
- Deletion of the server to test newsletters (thank Saxbar)
- Adding a frame counter for photoramas (thank Saxbar)
- Addition of the entry of the height in pixels of the blog entries (thank Saxbar)
- Addition of a floating image to return to the top (thank Saxbar)
- Correction viewing archives of the blog (thank Saxbar)
- Improving Config look (thank Saxbar)
- Change in the calculation of height adjustable boxes and harmonization in services (thank Saxbar)
- Correction viewing the blog archives without ticket (thank Saxbar)
- Correction of the display active forums on the homepage (thank Saxbar)
- Correction of the display of the header without management members (thank Saxbar)
- Safety control of inactive categories of the forum (thank Saxbar)
- Security check emails at posts shipments (thank Saxbar)
- Access control free boxes and menus in the side columns (thank Saxbar)
- Recovery group selection for the drafters of Level 1 (thank Saxbar)
- Addition of the closing php tags when saving documents (thank Saxbar)
- Correcting the webmaster confirmation of members inscriptions (thank Saxbar)

You must install the special patch v4510 CKEditor for download at this link before installing the non-cumulative patch Guppy 5.01.04.

After installing the patch with the install function, you must go to admin / config look, complete the look Config configuration, save and click on "Create Style" to update your look Config supports skin, then several of refreshments display of a page may be required for correct display.

For every height adjustable boxes, the calculation is now in pixels, do not forget to change your settings.

Thank you to all the participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team

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