Attention : GuppY 6.00.18

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Archives du forum - GuppY 6 [anglais] - Sujet n°129557

Sujet n°129557
Image Tool in Ckeditor in Chrome Browser not worked - Guppy 5
   par AlexanderLiebrecht le 31/08/2017 @ 19:15

Hello community,

I have installed Guppy 5 at and have problems with the Ckeditor.

The image tools for inserting images do not work in the Chrome browser. Have you seen this? When I click on the tool in the toolbar, the view becomes slightly different, but it does not appear any window or anything.

How can I fix the problem?

Thanks in advance.

Blogger, Webmaster, CMS-User

Réponse n° 1
par Papinou le 01/09/2017 @ 15:10


With Chrome 60, image insertion works correctly online and locally on test sites. You can check that Chrome does not block the popups of your site.

I don't see any other reason.

Best regards

Cordialement, Papinou Je suis membre de l'asso freeGuppY... et vous ???

Réponse n° 2
par AlexanderLiebrecht le 01/09/2017 @ 19:23


I thought it was at the first Guppy installation and again everything removed and completely reinstalled. In the front-end, I allow users to insert images. Unfortunately HTML is not formatted in the Ckeditor, so the Headings and Pictures are not created.

The Image PopUp does not function in the backend, but in the front end as a logged in user.

I've already seen everything. Popup in Google Chrome I admit and I've also added an exception to Chrome. Also in AVG Internet Security I found no attitude, which would hinder the display of the PopUps.

Hm ... what tips are there still? I would like to use HTML as a logged in user in the Guppy Portal with me. But it does not work.

Thanks in advance.

Blogger, Webmaster, CMS-User

Réponse n° 3
par ms le 04/09/2017 @ 08:37

Hallo , i have the same problem mit guppy Version 5.02.01

i can import a video but not i can import a Image.

if you have for tis problem a answer , please you send me a Mail to

thanks Nase

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