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 GuppY 6

GuppY, the easy web portal without database - V6.00.21 gylogo.png

This pack is the 133th version of GuppY

The distribution is delivered with the French and English language modules.

To go from version 5 to version 6, you must follow the procedure described on this link. (14 715.73 Kb) Downloaded 6917 times

GuppY: GuppY 6.00.21 package, cumulative and non-cumulative patches.

This pack is the 133th version of GuppY

We propose patch 6.00.21 with additions, improvements and corrections.

Prerequisites: PHP 7.3 minimum, GuppY 6 qualified on PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2, PHP 8.3 and PHP 8.4 .


  • Adaptation of GuppY scripts for compatibility with PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2, PHP 8.3 and PHP 8.4,
  • HTML Purifier updated to version 4.18.00,
  • PHPMailer updated to version 6.9.3,
  • Modification of the CKEditor Html5video plugin,
  • Added automatic closing of posts left open in the forum after a period defined in days. See in Config services Section Links, Guestbook, Forum,
  • SMTP log modifications, display and deletion,
  • Modifications for compatibility with Free hosting.

Attention : To upgrade from version 6.00.20 to 6.00.21, you must use the patch, following this procedure:

    • download the patch and install in admin with the Installer function of GuppY.

After the installation, you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

  • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
  • then validate each configuration page in admin/Config services, then several refreshments can be necessary to have a correct display,
  • to Security, if you activate receipt of rejection notices by email, you will need to monitor the reception of emails, as several hundred can arrive in a few minutes.
  • Please note that you must save the RGPD declaration again. 

Thanks to linuxmr and Papinou for making this patch.

Merry christmas and new year.

The GuppY Team (5 090.12 Kb) Downloaded 4373 times

This cumulative patch only concerns versions 6 of GuppY

and includes all fixes since version 6.00.00gylogo.png

If your GuppY version is inferior to 6.00.20,
then you must download this cumulative patch to update your GuppY to the 6.00.21 release.



 To upgrade from version 6.00.00, 6.00.01, 6.00.02, 6.00.03, 6.00.04, 6.00.05, 6.00.06, 6.00.07, 6.00.08, 6.00.09, 6.00.10, 6.00.11, 6.00.12, 6.00.13, 6.00.14, 6.00.15, 6.00.16, 6.00.17, 6.00.18, 6.00.19 to version 6.00.21, you must use the patch, following this procedure :

    - download the patch and install in admin with the Install function of GuppY.


After the installation you have to go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    • click on "Save config" to update your skin to Config look, the style.css will be generated automatically,
    • then validate each configuration page, then several refreshments of the display of a page can be necessary be necessary to have a correct display, including RGPD statement, including the My Account page for each member with member with password re-registration.

Do not forget to review the rights of employees by going to the management of employees, and record the rights employee by employee

It is important to go to member management and save the passwords for each collaborator who has 'Collaborator admin' rights

      attention, the size of the patch exceeds 2Mb, upload_max_filesize must be 4Mb in the PHP configuration. (7 759.79 Kb) Downloaded 2941 times

In download, a special free .htaccess for GuppY 6

Attention, modifications have been made for free and it is encoded in UTF-8 without BOM.

To be used only on a Free hosting (0.92 Kb) Downloaded 2775 times
 Lang files for GuppY 6

The translation of the GuppY 6.00.00 language files into German is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 6. (59.02 Kb) Downloaded 2291 times

The translation of the GuppY 6.00.00 language files into Danish is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 6. (55.95 Kb) Downloaded 2181 times

The translation of the GuppY 6.00.00 language files into Spanish is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 6. (57.00 Kb) Downloaded 2275 times

The translation of the GuppY 6.00.21 language files into Esperanto is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 6.

Thank you to tenomis for this translation which you can see on his site. (57.61 Kb) Downloaded 2309 times

The translation of the GuppY 6.00.00 language files into Indonesian is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 6. (57.00 Kb) Downloaded 2147 times

The translation of the GuppY 6.00.05 language files into Italian is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 6.

Thanks to Max Bossi for this translation. (58.62 Kb) Downloaded 2243 times

The translation of the GuppY 6.00.00 language files into Dutch is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 6. (57.17 Kb) Downloaded 2250 times

The translation of the GuppY 6.00.00 language files into Polish is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 6. (59.44 Kb) Downloaded 2156 times

The translation of the GuppY 6.00.00 language files into Portuguese is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 6. (56.88 Kb) Downloaded 2125 times

The translation of the GuppY 6.00.00 language files into Russian is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 6. (66.88 Kb) Downloaded 2118 times
 GuppY 5

GuppY release 5.03.03, the easy web portal that requires no database.

This pack is the 111st version of GuppY.


This package includes the English and French language modules.

Please read the readme file on this link.

By downloading this software, you agree to abide by the terms of the CeCILL licence which protects it. (11 870.32 Kb) Downloaded 31538 times

GuppY Pack 5.03.03, cumulative and non-cumulative patchesgylogo.png

This pack is the 111th version of GuppY

We propose you the version 5.03.03 with improvements, corrections.

Prerequisites: PHP 5.6 minimum


  - correction of the redirection links for the mobile version
  - correction of the email sending function
  - correction of the login address in the account creation email
  - correction of the display of the forum news
  - correction of the live forum display
  - correction of the update of the forum indexes
  - correction of user icon menu settings
  - correction url-rewrite rule for reconnection after registration
  - correction of maintain

  - selection of the sender for sending the newsletter

To upgrade from version 5.03.02 to version 5.03.03, you must use the gy-non-cumulative-50303 patch, following this procedure :
    - download the patch and install in admin with the Install function of GuppY.

After the installation you must go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    - click on "Save config" to update your config look compatible skin, the generation of the .css style will be done automatically,
    - then validate each configuration page, then several refreshes of the display of a page may be necessary to have a correct display.


  • it concerns the sending of the newsletters
  • as you know, the email address of the Webmaster used for the mailings must be an address of the domain of your site, otherwise you risk spamming or even blacklisting at some ISPs
  • this new feature will allow you to select the sender of the newsletter, between the Webmaster and the admin or collaborator who sends it, as long as they have the necessary rights.
  • the necessary condition is that the admin and collaborators in question have entered in their member account an address on the domain
  • in this case the choice between Webmaster and user will be displayed, otherwise the Webmaster's address will be used as the sender of the letter.

Thanks to Saxbar and to all the participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team (292.72 Kb) Downloaded 9409 times

This cumulative patch only concerns versions 5 of GuppY

and includes all fixes since version 5.0.0

If your GuppY version is inferior to 5.03.01,
then you must download this cumulative patch to update your GuppY to the 5.03.02 release.



If you have a GuppY version lower than 5.0.2, after applying this patch, you must immediately run the new index update script that links articles and menu options.

To do this, in the address bar of your browser type this:

If you have a GuppY version lower than 5.0.7, you must install the cumulative patch a second time to take into account the automatic renaming of sensitive files.

If you have a GuppY version lower than 5.01.02:

Installing this patch with the Installer function of Guppy is an undeniable bonus:
- Names you have given to high risk files will be kept.
- As far as you skins are concerned: no-skin and default skin will be updated and functional.

- Other skins for your site will need to be selected one by one as the default skin ; run file maj_configmob.php using this url, where "my website" is the name of your site: Please do this for each skin, then refresh page to get proper display.

If Installer function should not work, you'll have to switch back to default names in high risk files; to do this, go to Service Config/visitor's input & antispam and eventually not forget to save.
Upload patch content through FTP and switch back to former names

Finally for the skins of your site will need to be selected one by one as the default skin ; run file maj_configmob.php using this url, where "my website" is the name of your site: Please do this for each skin, then refresh page to get proper display.

CAUTION, if you have a GuppY version lower than 5.01.02:
Before applying the patch 5.01.03, it's imperative that your skin is compatible Config Look.

After installing the patch with the install function, you must go to admin / config look and click "Create Style" to update your look Config supports skin, then several refresh the display of a page may be needed for correct display.

At the data administration in display, eg for the items, you must also refresh the page several times to get the normal display, if for the display section is normal, it will be for all.

After installing the patch 5.01.04,  with the install function, you must go to admin / config look, complete the look Config configuration, save and click on "Create Style" to update your look Config supports skin, then several of refreshments display of a page may be required for correct display.

For every height adjustable boxes, the calculation is now in pixels, do not forget to change your settings.



You must be registered as a member of your site and to administer it you must put your nickname in Admin / Config services.

Since you will no longer have access to admin by adding admin/admin. php to your url, we recommend that you declare a secondary administrator in Admin / Config services to allow you to log in to Admin if you have problems with your Primary Administrator account. The nickname and email must be different from the Primary Administrator account.

If access to the admin is protected by a. htaccess, you only have to enter your login and password to access the admin, both are linked.

In the next version, the strength of the password will be evaluated as it is entered, the number of characters will be increased to a minimum of 8 characters up to a maximum of 40, lower case, capital letters, numbers and special characters, and a password will only be accepted with a minimum score of 45%, always in order to enhance the security of the sites.

You can inform the members of your sites, they can change their password as soon as they install this patch.


For installing the cumulative patch 5.02.06 :


Then,  to version 5.02.06, you must use the gy_upg_50205 patch, following this procedure:

  • download the patch and install in admin with the Install function of GuppY,
  • validate the usual configuration pages
  • delete cookies, clear your browser's web cache, or even restart it if necessary.

After the installation you must go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

  1. Complete the configuration of the new fields in Config look,
  2. Save the configuration to save your changes,
  3. Click on "Generate Style" to update your Config look compatible skin, then several refreshes of the display of a page may be necessary to have a correct display.

As with all patches, it is advisable to revalidate all configuration pages as admin.


FOR YOUR SITE SAFETY and to be in compliance with the GDPR, we strongly recommend:

  • the tutorial "GDPR compliance and privacy policy" that you will find on this link and its application on your site,
  • the setting up of a "Legal notice and privacy policy" page for your site.You will find a model on this link.

For installing the cumulative patch 5.03.02 :


To upgrade from version 5.03.01 to version 5.03.02, you must use the gy-non-cumulative-50302 patch, following this procedure :
    - download the patch and install in admin with the Install function of GuppY.

After the installation you must go to admin/config look and proceed in this order:

    - click on "Save config" to update your config look compatible skin, the generation of the .css style will be done automatically,
    - then validate each configuration page, then several refreshes of the display of a page may be necessary to have a correct display.


The Parallax effect is enabled by default whether you use it or not, you just have to check Actual height for each zone according to your choice.


  • it concerns the sending of the newsletters
  • as you know, the email address of the Webmaster used for the mailings must be an address of the domain of your site, otherwise you risk spamming or even blacklisting at some ISPs
  • this new feature will allow you to select the sender of the newsletter, between the Webmaster and the admin or collaborator who sends it, as long as they have the necessary rights.
  • the necessary condition is that the admin and collaborators in question have entered in their member account an address on the domain
  • in this case the choice between Webmaster and user will be displayed, otherwise the Webmaster's address will be used as the sender of the letter. (3 327.25 Kb) Downloaded 10891 times

IP blocking spammers Guppy 5.03.xx

Download: a zip file containing the part of htaccess to block spammers IP, a tutorial to give you some explanations and how to update the htaccess.

Before you copy and paste the first line. Htaccess this part at the root Guppy 5.03.xx

Updated on April 22, 2020 (351.78 Kb) Downloaded 2512 times

Please find in this zip archive the 3 example plugins of the complete GuppY package.

Uncompress this archive in a folder on your hard disk, you can install each plugin separately with the Install as admin function. (31.68 Kb) Downloaded 2402 times
 GuppY 5 Language files

The german translation of languages files Guppy 5.02.01 is available for download and install in the pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function Guppy 5.

Many thanks to the Philatelic Association of Neuf-Brisach & Surroundings for this translation. (58.45 Kb) Downloaded 3500 times

The Danish translation of languages files Guppy 5.02.01 is available for download and install in the pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function Guppy 5.

Many thanks to Luxman ( website ) for this translation. (53.00 Kb) Downloaded 3670 times

The translation of the language files of GuppY 5.02.01 into Spanish is available in the download pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function of GuppY 5.

Thanks to Lavachequireve for this translation - his website. (56.46 Kb) Downloaded 2672 times

The Esperanto translation of languages files Guppy 5.03.00 is available for download and install in the pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function Guppy 5.

Many thanks to tenomis ( website ) for this translation. (56.91 Kb) Downloaded 3437 times

The Bahasa Indonesia of languages files Guppy 5.0.7 is available for download and install in the pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function Guppy 5.

Many thanks to R Agi Sagita for this translation and its presentation site Guppy 5. (39.31 Kb) Downloaded 3567 times

The Italian translation of languages files Guppy 5.03.00 is available for download and install in the pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function Guppy 5.

Many thanks to Wald23 for this translation.

Wald23's website (61.55 Kb) Downloaded 4301 times

The translation into Occitan language, Gascon version, classical spelling  of the lang files of GuppY 5.02.01 is available in the pack for download.

This archive installs with the "Install" function of GuppY 5

Many thanks to Martine and Marie-Hélène for the translation you can see  on their site (56.91 Kb) Downloaded 2722 times

Translation Occitan, Provençal dialect, classic spelling of lang files Guppy 5.02.01 is available for download in the pack.

This archive is installed with the "Install" function Guppy 5.

Many thanks to Beeth for this translation you can see on his website. (55.73 Kb) Downloaded 3855 times

The Dutch translation of languages files Guppy 5.0.8 is available for download and install in the pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function Guppy 5

Many thanks to japie ( website ) for this translation.

Please note that the administration party is not fully translated. (44.82 Kb) Downloaded 3773 times

The Russian translation of languages files Guppy 5.02.08 is available for download and install in the pack.
This archive is installed with the "Install" function Guppy 5.

Many thanks to ElbrusMAX for this translation.

ElbrusMAX's website (66.34 Kb) Downloaded 2322 times
 GuppY 5 Design





Pack 4 banners for GuppY to download. (29.99 Kb) Downloaded 5021 times


Pack 4 buttons for GuppY to download. (9.34 Kb) Downloaded 4806 times


Pack 4 smilies for GuppY to download. (9.23 Kb) Downloaded 4597 times
 GuppY 4.6

GuppY - Security Patch 4.6.28

We are pleased to come up with patch 4.6.28  which features :

- Correction of two code embedding security XSS flaws.
- Correction of a squeak in mktime

Many thanks to High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab for very kind notice.

Beware! All GuppY versions are concerned, no exception.
You REALLY MUST INSTALL AT ONCE this correction patch to keep up with security on your site.

As with each new version, please do not forget to update your plugins, reinstall your forks, and revalidate your configuration pages.
To move up from the 4.6.26, 4.6.27,  4.6.27-1 to 4.6.28 version, you must use this patch_nc_4628.

Thank you to all participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team (104.28 Kb) Downloaded 4584 times

This cumulative patch contains all corrections since   version 4.6.0 and updated

If your GuppY version is inferior to 4.6.26, then you must download this cumulative patch to update your GuppY to the 4.6.28 release.

Be careful: we have integrated the plugin extended boxes in the patch 4.6.1.

You need to upgrade your blog by running maj_blog.php:

Warning, For update. Htaccess root, you must add maj_htaccess.php the url of your site, then Enter to run it after applying the patch.

The .htaccess at the root of cumulative patch file has been deleted to avoid crushing your htaccess.(2013.08.17)
A .htaccess update is downloading freeguppy.

If your forum categories are still in the old format, you must run the script "maj_forumcat.php" to reset the IDs of the categories into the right format, for example: 1,PR1 instead of PR1.

You must go in admin immediately after installing the cumulative patch to delete the install directory - when popup shows - and validate every page of config to avoid the appearance of error messages.

Do not do a clean install, just delete the install directory.

Note: data/nwlist.tmp needs also chmod 666


Do not forget to make a backup of your site before applying the patch. (4 888.04 Kb) Downloaded 5170 times
 Add-ons 4.6

This script allows, when needed, to correct the data files /data/doc[ID]/inc to make them compatible with PHP 5.
If you want to migrate a website in 4.5 to 4.6 with PHP 5 you have to run this script.

This script must be unzipped, then uploaded to the root of the site. It is compatible with PHP 4 and PHP 5. (1.84 Kb) Downloaded 6213 times